Trimble Business Center v5.5


Trimble Business Center v5.5

TBC v5.51 Now Available

Trimble Business Center (TBC) v5.51 was released on July 12, 2021. Below are the major new features for this release. Please fill out the form to download the new v5.51 version.

Import, Process, Register, Calibrate and Export Trimble MX50 Raw Data

TBC now supports the NEW Trimble MX50 laser and image data collection. Use tools to do the following (as applicable):

  • View and overlay image, laser and trajectory data.
  • Navigate in the Plan View, 3D View, and Run View.
  • Import and apply a post-processed trajectory to image and/or laser data.
  • Create and colorize a point cloud.
  • Geo-reference MX50 data with the registration tools.
  • Calibrate either MX50 camera or lasers.
  • Use TBC’s point cloud, CAD, and GIS tools to work with the MX50 data.
  • Export the MX50 data to TMX, TopoDot and Solv3D.
  • Integration of POSPac in TBC - You can compute the SBET trajectory information within TBC without having to use the Applanix's POSPac MMS application.
  • Image blurring of vehicles and people on data export is in line with GDPR requirements for data sharing.

Rotate Your Data in Plan View 

To make certain data easier to view and navigate in the Plan View, you can now press the Ctrl + Shift keys and your mouse wheel, and then drag a "rubber band" line in the view indicating the direction you want to specify as "up", resulting in the view rotating accordingly. The rotation is reset to its default (north up; no rotation) when you either (1) drag a rubber band line in a northerly direction approximately parallel to a north-south grid line, or (2) open a new Plan View.


TBC v5.50 

Trimble Business Center (TBC) v5.50 was released on June 07, 2021. Below are the major new features for this release. Please fill out the form to download the new v5.50 version.


Field Data

Share time-dependent transformation parameters with Trimble Access. The JXL importer and exporter in TBC have been updated to include time-dependent transformation data to ensure transformation is performed using the same parameters in both TBC and Trimble Access, regardless of the version of the Coordinate System Database being used with each.



ArcGIS users can use the GIS Connection Manager command to connect to a file geodatabase, and enterprise geodatabase to download schemas and upload features to ArcMap or ArcPro using the new and updated ArcGIS provider.

